Thursday, March 14, 2013

Studying at Glamorgan University

It is a novel experience to study at the University of Glamorgan. There are some sides that had affected my quality of life. This blog will address the aspects that have changed my life style such as the town, food, the studying style.

The area that I study at affected my lifestyle. Trefforest, where the main campus of Glamorgan University is located, looks like countryside. There are not many interesting activities that students can do. For example, there are no shopping centres or entertainment areas that had made it a bit isolated. Moreover, it is half an hour far from Cardiff city centre. This is the reason beyond my visit to Cardiff every weekend.


Accordingly, food had affected me as well. The distant shops and supermarkets made it difficult for me to buy stuff for cooking. Therefore, I refuged to order online from Asda and takeaways. The only good thing was that there were restaurants at the university campus, so I could have my lunch and sometime dinner from.

The studying style was interesting. Lectures, labs, classes were all new to me. This had changed my view to the education in the UK. I took advantage of the learning resources centre to develop my knowledge and my English language as well.

In conclusion, it was a good experience to study at Glamorgan University, and I hope the other students enjoy their courses there.

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