Thursday, January 24, 2013

Newspaper Comparison

Nowadays, the media has many methods of reporting news to the public. Newspaper has been one of the best to deliver a wide range of local and international affairs. As usual, there appear to be some newspaper that have more proficiency than others. This blog will compare a newspaper with a tabloid in several aspects.

Aspects of Comparison
The Telegraph
The author used a set of formal vocabulary such as:
“Cost of a child hits record £222,000”, “…raising a child…”, “…nursery care…”.

The author often used informal vocabulary and phrasal verbs throughout the article such as: “The cost has rocketed to £222,000…”, “...bring up…”, “…darling…”, “…babysitting…”.
Content details
More detailed information and estimations about the in the future. Examples: “… this is set to reach £350,000 by 2023 if costs continue to increase…”, “…London (£239,123), the South East (£237,233) and the East of England (£233,363) have remained the three most expensive places to raise children.”
The text is quite short and concise. Basic information are included. Example:  “… £19,270 feeding one child and £16,195 on holidays…”, “The most expensive area to raise children is still London at £239,123.”
References used in the article
Supported by three references are used. Two are in-text and one is a direct quote.

“…LV='s annual Cost of a Child Report show that…”

“According to LV=, more than four…”

“…said Mark Jones, head of protection at LV=”
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Supported by two references are used. One is in-text and one as a direct quote.

“…according to the Cost of a Child report.”

“Mark Jones, for LV=, said…”
Visual images
One large focused picture of a child and his mother kissing him is displayed for the main topic.
One large picture for different ethnicities of children.


Gammell, K. (2013) ‘Cost of a child hits record £222,000’, The Telegraph, 24 January [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 24 January 2013).

Sayid, Ruki. (2013) ‘Baby boom: Cost of raising a child rockets by 58% in a decade’, Mirror, 24 January [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 24 January 2013).


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